
Showing posts from May, 2022

Compared to 'Government's money', 'tax payers' money' is better.

 Africa is breeding special phrases into its citizenry. I grew to only know of 'Government's Money' but didn't die to know the roots of it. When grew, I weighed the terms 'Government's money' and 'Tax payer's money'. All I found is that the former term is ironically structured for everyone to engage in corruption, which verily is contigent- that if it's Government's Money, we all can 'chop' as people say.  The latter, 'tax payer's money', that which I'm aware, is known and commonly used in news and public reports, which makes every citizen in a public office accountable.  If we can 'sweep' the former phrase out of our thinking boxes, public office holders wouldn't make for us a life of doom. And we can build a better city upon a cliff for ourselves. Let's stop breeding corruption and breed accountability.