
The RSC's 2016 Hamlet: A Review

  Presented by The Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) at The Royal Shakespeare Theatre , Stratford-upon-Avon, UK. January 01, 2016. Directed by Simon Godwin. Directed for screen by Robin Lough. Designed by Paul Willis. Lighting designed by Pual Anderson. Composed by Sola Akingbola. Fights by Kevin McCurdy. With James Cooney (Rosencrantz), Bethan Cullinane (Guildenstern), Paapa Essiedu (Hamlet), Marcus Griffiths (Laertes), Byron Mondahl (Professor of Wittenberg), Tanya Moodie (Gertrude), Cyril Nri (Polonius), Natalie Sampson (Ophelia), Clarence Smith (Claudius), Ewart James Walters (Ghost/Gravedigger), and others.  Godfred Nana Kruentsi Ogoe Mary Baldwin University Ambiguity and irony dominate the narrative of the RSC’s 2016 production of Hamlet in such a way that the more closely I watch the production, the more I identify certain embedded truths. While Hamlet casts light upon the politics in Denmark, Simon Godwin’s Hamlet with its culturally specific costumes (Kente and Idi-Amin-like


  Rerooting the Royal Shakespeare Company's (RSC's) 2016  Production   of Hamlet to the Ghanaian Setting:  A Scholarly Review GODFRED, NANA KRUENTSI OGOE Mary Baldwin University, Staunton VA Presented by The Royal Shakespeare Company at Royal Shakespeare Theater, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK. January 01, 2016. Directed by Simon Godwin. Directed for screen by Robin Lough. Designed by Paul Willis. Lighting designed by Pual Anderson. Composed by Sola Akingbola. Fights by Kevin McCurdy. With James Cooney (Rosencrantz), Bethan Cullinae (Guildenstern), Paapa Essiedu (Hamlet), Griffiths (Laeters), Byron Mondahl (Professor of Wittenberg), Tanya Moodie (Gertrude), Cyril Nri (Polonius), Natalie Sampson (Ophelia), Clarence Smith (Claudius), Ewart James Walters (Ghost/Gravedigger), and others.                                     (Fig 1: Clarence (Claudius) in Idi-Amin-like military uniform) In Nour El Gazzaz’s review of the RSC 2016 production of Hamlet, they make strong assertions—that “the p


YOLO SEASON 6, EPISODE 6                      DRAWING ON THE PAST:  YOLO SEASON 6 EPISODE 6 REVIEW There is something spectacular and refreshing about this 6th episode of YOLO season 6. It is not because this episode features the highly recognized actors Majid Michel and Jackie Appiah , who both in this episode lead the ensemble, but because the director, Ivan Quashigah, heavily leans on the unpleasant memories that are left cognitive in the minds of these old generations, Shaker ( Majid Michel ) and Enyonam ( Jackie Appiah ). This episode invites its audiences to reminisce the misfortune of Enyonam ( Jackie Appiah ), who, in “Things We Do for Love”, suffers rape as a teen-age girl, and births Cyril. Not only Enyonam, this episode, although it keeps it secret, touches the wounds of Lydia ( Christabel Awuah Amoabeng ), who keeps her heartbreak and misery in her own head after Shaker ( Majid Michel ) puts her in bed, in a noncommittal relationship. In this review, I would illuminate the


How "Save Our Faces" was Birthed By Godfred, Nana Kruentsi Ogoe      April 24, 2022                                    Like Richard Wright, I am not so pretentious as to imagine and to say that it is possible for me to account completely for my novel and letter, Save Our Faces , but I am going to account entirely for it- hammering out the inputs that had birthed this ‘text collection’. In order not to convey a sense of enormity out of emotions and fervency, I would explicitly discuss, clearly, my encounters, motivations, observations and proficiency towards this novel, and my changing attitude which had driven this work to its utmost point of birth, from a lineage of critical social scholarships that African authorities had already laid down in their artistic works.             Save Our Faces is a novel that deals with the cultural, political and religious beliefs of inten